If you intend to reach out about an issue with Watchla..

Please be sure to check the FAQs and/or Watchla's issue tracker first.

For best response times, it's heavily advised to submit new Watchla issues to Watchla's issue tracker.

See FAQs Go to issue tracker Continue

Alert: Please update to v3.5.7 or later to avoid disruption.

Tesla recently made authentication protocol change that may cause adverse effects in older versions of Watchla. Please update to v3.5.7 or later as soon as possible, to avoid disruption.

Update →


Watchla learns from its users and the stumbling blocks they may face. If you have a bug or an issue to report, please report them to our issue tracker on GitHub. If you can't find the help you need there or you seem to be facing extraordinary issues, please don't hesitate to reach out to us directly.

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